MERCY! Totally Inocent! surely NOT!!
I cant believe that He was found not guilty of ALL accounts. Im thinking that they didnt know where to put him IF they had said he was guilty. Hes way too frail to handle total seclusion, but thats where hed have to stay...for his own safety....and if they put him in population....hed be killed....and raped. Also ill bet the riots were part of the motovation behind his getting free. Either way hes a jerk! I cant believe that he thinks that if he acts innocent....everyone will still love him. I guess im over angry toward molesters. Lets hope that from now on no boys sleep in his bed!
At 12:20 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
that is no shit. all molesters should rot in hell. i cant believe either that he got off. WTF
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