Ever notice the gross things some people do?...
Last week, I was sitting in my wheelchair at a redlight. The was an older guy standing abit in front , to the left of me. I was kinda daydreaming when I noticed that he was picking a scab at his fore arm....OMG! then he ate it!...I swear...Needless to say I almost gagged.
Then Satarday, I was out doing errands and while in line at Micky D's I actually saw a man....a father with several children pick a zit on his neck....AND EAT IT! I lost my apitite & left.
Naturally; after that I started to watch people around me...to be more observant of what they do.
My landlord always has this toothpick in his mouth. It just sits there, to the side like it grew there. I saw him pick his teeth with it, pull it out to look at it....then put it back in his mouth to clean it!...why? Does it only work if u look at it?...why not toss the toothpick & get another one? ....or at least wipe the darn thing off first!!!...Thats taking oral etupus to the extreme!.
Then theres the funny things people do....when they think its annonomous.
I know this person....who will remain nameless....she will cock a cheek & fart anywhere...the louder the better....the stinkier it is...the funnyer it is. But IF she makes any noise while in a public bathroom stall?...she lifts her feet!...rotf...I guess the setting has alot to do with it. Id be intrested in hearing some of the things all of you have noticed about those around you.
Last week, I was sitting in my wheelchair at a redlight. The was an older guy standing abit in front , to the left of me. I was kinda daydreaming when I noticed that he was picking a scab at his fore arm....OMG! then he ate it!...I swear...Needless to say I almost gagged.
Then Satarday, I was out doing errands and while in line at Micky D's I actually saw a man....a father with several children pick a zit on his neck....AND EAT IT! I lost my apitite & left.
Naturally; after that I started to watch people around me...to be more observant of what they do.
My landlord always has this toothpick in his mouth. It just sits there, to the side like it grew there. I saw him pick his teeth with it, pull it out to look at it....then put it back in his mouth to clean it!...why? Does it only work if u look at it?...why not toss the toothpick & get another one? ....or at least wipe the darn thing off first!!!...Thats taking oral etupus to the extreme!.
Then theres the funny things people do....when they think its annonomous.
I know this person....who will remain nameless
At 4:46 PM,
Jen said…
Wow....I was going to fix dinner, but now I think I might just throw up!! But you're right...people do weird stuff. I love the guys sitting in their nice cars who pick their noses and then flick it to some random place in the car....hopefully not on to the passenger seat!!! :)
At 12:33 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
People crack me up. I was in Colorado with my girl and son one weekend and we were in Vail. Beautiful place. Anyways, we were shopping at the places and walking around the town, when we passed this guy on the street and he farted(loudly, not quietly but loudly). I never laughed so hard and for so long. I could not walk I was laughing so hard. Our son said did that man just fart and I lost it even more, because the man had to of heard him ask us if that man just farted. Man, I'm laughing now just thinking back to that day. My girl was laughing her butt off too. When she got it under control a little bit she asked me if that was a normal thing to do in Vail and I lost it again. I was in tears I was laughing so hard. She kept looking at me and I could not stop laughing, I was having a laugh attack. She told me to quit laughing and start walking, yeah right I told her and then she started laughing again. It went on for a good 30-45 minutes before I could even look at anyone or walk without laughing my butt off and tears falling down my face. That will be something I never forget for the rest of my life.
At 8:27 AM,
pawzz said…
AofS~ OMG! I love the ones that fart then look at u ...as if U did it!...
Cristin~Sry grrrl...lmao
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