Today someone told me something I have heard since I left the womb. " U have wonderful or awesome or incredible eyes" Now...I dont know if it's lowself esteem, or just plain sinicism (sp?) but I've never taken those words as kindess.....seems to me that my eyes r about 2 inches of my entire body....thats less than 1% of my whole person. Not counting my personality...which by the way is awesome... or incredible AND wonderful. :)
I also have a great complextion, my skin tans without effort and at 47 I have never had a cavity & my teeth r straight & bright white. Im fat....about 357 pounds. But u know something? I figure that pretty soon the world will catch up to me. U here everywhere that ppl r getting bigger....I figure I just arrived earlier. Of course Ive never EVER said these thoughts outloud to anyone b4. Ive always smiled & thanked whoever made the comment. Maybe a better way to say it would be .." Among ALL ur attributes, I have to say that ur eyes r wonderful! Now THATS a complement!
Oh ya...BTW...Im back & it feels good! :)
I also have a great complextion, my skin tans without effort and at 47 I have never had a cavity & my teeth r straight & bright white. Im fat....about 357 pounds. But u know something? I figure that pretty soon the world will catch up to me. U here everywhere that ppl r getting bigger....I figure I just arrived earlier. Of course Ive never EVER said these thoughts outloud to anyone b4. Ive always smiled & thanked whoever made the comment. Maybe a better way to say it would be .." Among ALL ur attributes, I have to say that ur eyes r wonderful! Now THATS a complement!
Oh ya...BTW...Im back & it feels good! :)
At 12:28 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Its about time your back. Right when I was about to give up on you, you appear. Thank you, I missed you.
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