Merry Christmas everyone

Today has come and gone...Technically..We did nothing!
Other than buy the few required gifts for family & friends Craig and I decided that since we were broke....We'd wait til the after Christmas sales strarted to buy our gifts for each usual Ill buy them both...he has no idea what to get me. I've decided to buy him a TiVo. Ill have to think what he's buying me...LOL It took me most of this month to recover from my trip to FL. Physically IM just too frail to travel anymore. Sucks
But it was still a wonderful day. All the kids that think of me as a surrogate mom came by one by one to show me the best 2 gifts that Santa brought em....A few families came over to ask me to take a family picture of them in their Christmas finery...I did....Now I need to burn copies to give them. Craig worked a double so I was alone most of the day...Hes back at work now...IM tired but my chest is hurting a little and IM finding it tough to breath when I lay down so here I am at 4:18 am typing on my blog. yaaaaawwwwwn ! That pic up there is my grand-niece...Isobella, we call her Izzy.
She's 4 and I swear shies the smartest 4 yr old I know. I just met her in Nov. She has a little sister that so darn adorable!!!. I think they both take after their great-aunt :)
~Sigh~ ivy been thinking 'bout the trip home....I have mixed feelings. Moms still VERY passive aggressive...Shooting barbed comments out like she did when I was 11. Dad's dying...Sad to say but the truth. My brother is awesome...But I noticed that he shakes a lot. Hope hex not going to get Parkinson like dad. Overall I was good to see everyone...I miss that...Not having them in my life for so long BUT.........Ill NEVER stay at moms again...She drove me nuts. Its worth the $$ to stay at a motel. Don't get me wrong...I love her...But ive been on my own too long to be stuffed back in that lil emotional box she had me in as a child. I fought it back then and I fought it last month.
gonna try to sleep now...Thanx for listening....g'nite
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