bits & pieces
Sooooo. its 3:33 am here and this is the second night without sleep. I woke up Friday at about 10 am and havent been asleep since....I feel tired but that never matters...Im always feeling tired. he sleeping meds the Doc gives me either dont work...or make me a zombi the following day. Atleast theres good TV on....
If humor came in shapes...
and, sarchasm came in colors.
Id be a Dark Purple square....slightly off kilter.
Imagine, a square...
now tilt that square 3 degrees to the left.
thats my veiwpoint on life....
'cuz I swear no one has the same quick-witted,querky sense of humor I do. I boarderline on being bittingly sarcastic to downright raunchy.
For instance....
I think I think farts are proof that God has a sense of humor, and I still laugh at the lil dog tugging on the coppertone girls drawers.
then theres also the fact that Im adorable ( my mom told me so) that aways helps.
I had an old shirt that fit good and it was my was starting to get frayed around the edges so took it apart....ironed it...then used brown bags * cut out its pattern...Today I picked up some nice fabric and actually cut it out. Tomarrow I think (if im awake) Ill pick out some buttons. I cant wait to use my new Bernina sewing machine. Kinda scared too. lol I was going to wait til we moved into the new place but what the heck!...a girls gotta do what a girl can when sleep is not to be had.
Told the new landlord today that our broiler doesnt work...He said since he just put 2 million into the was going to be awhile before he replaced the stove. lol & u know me, with all the grace in the universe i asked him how much he was going to discount our rent until the broiler was fixed....he came back with "nothing" jaw dropped!...He then said that he didnt even know I had a stove til I told him the other day ( i live in a 1 room suite with a full bath & full kitchen off of it) He said that the old owner didnt tell him I had a I guess he thought that since he didnt know....he wasnt responsible...rotf...I boldly responded that "that wasnt my fault"..thinking that maybe I was a bit too forceful, I toned it down abit and informed him that the maneger said it was a celiniod & that he could fix it was decided that the maneger would get the part & fix my broiler. Go figure....that just proves it dont take brains to run a bussiness....just money.
Finally dumped that crappy electric litterbox...went back to the other one we had....been thinking about buying the attatchment for the toilet & training the cats to use it...but im afraid that if company uses the potty after the cats have pooped....since the cats dont flush....the company will think that we used it & didnt flush....maybe Ill make a sign that says "the cats dont flush!- the people do"
If humor came in shapes...
and, sarchasm came in colors.
Id be a Dark Purple square....slightly off kilter.
Imagine, a square...
now tilt that square 3 degrees to the left.
thats my veiwpoint on life....
'cuz I swear no one has the same quick-witted,querky sense of humor I do. I boarderline on being bittingly sarcastic to downright raunchy.
For instance....
I think I think farts are proof that God has a sense of humor, and I still laugh at the lil dog tugging on the coppertone girls drawers.
then theres also the fact that Im adorable ( my mom told me so) that aways helps.
I had an old shirt that fit good and it was my was starting to get frayed around the edges so took it apart....ironed it...then used brown bags * cut out its pattern...Today I picked up some nice fabric and actually cut it out. Tomarrow I think (if im awake) Ill pick out some buttons. I cant wait to use my new Bernina sewing machine. Kinda scared too. lol I was going to wait til we moved into the new place but what the heck!...a girls gotta do what a girl can when sleep is not to be had.
Told the new landlord today that our broiler doesnt work...He said since he just put 2 million into the was going to be awhile before he replaced the stove. lol & u know me, with all the grace in the universe i asked him how much he was going to discount our rent until the broiler was fixed....he came back with "nothing" jaw dropped!...He then said that he didnt even know I had a stove til I told him the other day ( i live in a 1 room suite with a full bath & full kitchen off of it) He said that the old owner didnt tell him I had a I guess he thought that since he didnt know....he wasnt responsible...rotf...I boldly responded that "that wasnt my fault"..thinking that maybe I was a bit too forceful, I toned it down abit and informed him that the maneger said it was a celiniod & that he could fix it was decided that the maneger would get the part & fix my broiler. Go figure....that just proves it dont take brains to run a bussiness....just money.
Finally dumped that crappy electric litterbox...went back to the other one we had....been thinking about buying the attatchment for the toilet & training the cats to use it...but im afraid that if company uses the potty after the cats have pooped....since the cats dont flush....the company will think that we used it & didnt flush....maybe Ill make a sign that says "the cats dont flush!- the people do"
At 12:22 PM,
Angel Chasse said…
I hope you have gotten caught up on your sleep. I used to take Seroquel, and I slept great!! It was getting up at all the next day that I hated. I think it made me angry too. Ick... Now I could sleep forever! I can't believe that cats can go in the toilet, that is great. I don't think our cat would, but it would be worth a shot :) - Take care, and get some sleep!!!
Angel Chasse (again)
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