

Come to my corner, look thru the window. you'll see me....just me, my memories of joy, struggle & victory. I thank you all in advance for commenting. Id love to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Menopawzz stinks!

Im mean its not like puberty was a party but now I have to do it all over again....in reverse!....
Im too hot
my skin is dryer than the desert
your annoying
Im bored but I dont feel like doing anything.
Yes Dear.....Im fine....Im sorry Dear....
OK im just going to my corner and shut my mouth....
maybe not.

<5 mins later>
all better

ut oh....now im coldclipart_bill2

Hmmmm...I wonder if this blog thing will ever catch on

I cant believe that I never thought of doing this blog thing. Never heard of it til someone told me to check out the one Rosie has. I decided to give it a try so we'll see how it goes
hope i dont need to know about html....looks intimidating!