

Come to my corner, look thru the window. you'll see me....just me, my memories of joy, struggle & victory. I thank you all in advance for commenting. Id love to hear from you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Friends-wisdom from me

They come in all sizes, shapes and temperaments.
each has a different past...A different future
but somehow we all come together, open our lives and share a bit of ourselves.

If you're lucky enough , you stumble across 1 or 2 that are extra special. These are the life long friends...The soul sisters...They make your heart smile.

they are a blessing!...A gift...

but there are rules.
they differ from friendship to friendship, but the basic rules are the following...

1. You must like yourself- you cant expect someone to find you special if you don't think so.

2. Be a good secret keeper- a must!!! If you blab everything then you miss the special times that friends tell you everything they are going thru.

3. Be a good listener and a stable shoulder- friends vent to friends and sometimes a friend just needs to bounce ideas or feelings off of a friend. They also will eventually need a shoulder to lean on...HEAVILY!

4. Make sure that you allow them plenty of alone time. Especially when they have a partner..Just remember that clingy people grow tiresome.

5. COMPROMISE-self explanatory...LOL

6. Above all else REMEMBER!!! Your have to be a friend....to have a friend

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I love this picture!. If you dont look closely, you'll miss the pooch!...I have him framed & sitting on my desk and nobody passes by without giving him a doubletake. It always makes me chuckle. Just dont take out the laundry!

More Memories

I remember...

A long time ago
that large Co.
& the oilspill

Dawn detergent saved the day
so many birds died
we tried to save em
and we did
alot of em anyway.

Such a waste, so sad.

scrape, dunk...
wash wash wash, rinse.
treat for shock...iv fluids

dont break the feathers!
make sure to rinse well!
stay calm!
and most of all....
keep going!

when i got there...
the stuff was like tar
dead lil bodies all over...
we burned most...burried the rest...
poor things.

alot of orphaned chicks too
clean em off...
box em up
ship em out to foster homes.

was a learning time
but the cost was too high.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

bits & pieces

Sooooo. its 3:33 am here and this is the second night without sleep. I woke up Friday at about 10 am and havent been asleep since....I feel tired but that never matters...Im always feeling tired. he sleeping meds the Doc gives me either dont work...or make me a zombi the following day. Atleast theres good TV on....

If humor came in shapes...
and, sarchasm came in colors.
Id be a Dark Purple square....slightly off kilter.
Imagine, a square...
now tilt that square 3 degrees to the left.
thats my veiwpoint on life....
'cuz I swear no one has the same quick-witted,querky sense of humor I do. I boarderline on being bittingly sarcastic to downright raunchy.

For instance....

I think I think farts are proof that God has a sense of humor, and I still laugh at the lil dog tugging on the coppertone girls drawers.
then theres also the fact that Im adorable ( my mom told me so) that aways helps.


I had an old shirt that fit good and it was my fave....it was starting to get frayed around the edges so took it apart....ironed it...then used brown bags * cut out its pattern...Today I picked up some nice fabric and actually cut it out. Tomarrow I think (if im awake) Ill pick out some buttons. I cant wait to use my new Bernina sewing machine. Kinda scared too. lol I was going to wait til we moved into the new place but what the heck!...a girls gotta do what a girl can when sleep is not to be had.

Told the new landlord today that our broiler doesnt work...He said since he just put 2 million into the place....it was going to be awhile before he replaced the stove. lol & u know me, with all the grace in the universe i asked him how much he was going to discount our rent until the broiler was fixed....he came back with "nothing" ....my jaw dropped!...He then said that he didnt even know I had a stove til I told him the other day ( i live in a 1 room suite with a full bath & full kitchen off of it) He said that the old owner didnt tell him I had a kitchen...so I guess he thought that since he didnt know....he wasnt responsible...rotf...I boldly responded that "that wasnt my fault"..thinking that maybe I was a bit too forceful, I toned it down abit and informed him that the maneger said it was a celiniod & that he could fix it...so it was decided that the maneger would get the part & fix my broiler. Go figure....that just proves it dont take brains to run a bussiness....just money.


Finally dumped that crappy electric litterbox...went back to the other one we had....been thinking about buying the attatchment for the toilet & training the cats to use it...but im afraid that if company uses the potty after the cats have pooped....since the cats dont flush....the company will think that we used it & didnt flush....maybe Ill make a sign that says "the cats dont flush!- the people do"

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Make sure u visit all the webCam links in this blog!...theyre awesome...I love the afiCam...I actually got to watch a herd of elephants go to the drinking hole!....ktoo cool!

When u click on the link...u will have to search on the page to find the actual link to the webCam...click on that and u get to see the live stream. It amazes me to no end!...
the links may be listed inder several different monicure....just look for a link with the word Cam in it...Ill bet u'll get addicted.

Here are some of the pics I took using the wewbcam:




Monday, June 20, 2005

What I would do if I won the lottery..maybe

OK people...its time for another list...

what I would do if I won the lottery.

1. collect it
2. get a good lawyer
3. ...and a good accountant
4. pay off my HUGE student loans
5. buy a rag top VW
6. pile the money up and roll in it....nude
7. clean up the mess.
8. buy me a decent digital camera...maybe a cannon
9. buy a house thats zoned for home/bussiness
10. start a no kill cat shelter
11.Live in the back of the shelter/home
12. foster older kids
13. get Craigs teeth fixed
14. find out what financial help my parents may need
15. help my parents
17. learn how to invest...
18. learn about tax shelters
19. use them
20. make sure my home has a craft room
21. build an addition for craig to live in.
22. visit my family in Fla.
23. tythe to my church.
24. write a few books.
26. whittle away at my other debts.

thats it. lol I dont need much. (bet u thought i was going to go to 100)

color my world with happy colors Posted by Hello

SMOKING GUN,s 101 hollyweird secrets

I saw a show lastnight called "101 best kept hollywood secrets" there was a blurp about rosie & Ellen. all in all it was a good blurb. Basically said that rosie was in the closet until she felt the need to fight Fla for the right to adopt. Some other actors made decent remarks and i was happy that it wasnt a rosie or ellen (mostly ro)bashing .



I am the Pheonix

Being the first girl born in my family in over 999 yrs, was suppose to be some kind of honor. To me it was a hardship. I guess everyone was expecting a fairy princess type, being bloned haired & blue eyed didnt help either. I wore dresses that matched my moms, slept in a canopy bed (with lace surrounding me). I did the girl scout & ballerina thing, took figure skating lessons....Learned to play the violin instead of the sax. But alas...I never got "it" right. I couldn't wear white without staining it. I stunk at violin ( probably 'cuz when Id HAD to practice, Id just saw the bow across the strings....to make my parents suffer for forcing me).

I wasn't a happy child...as I recall it was a lonely time for me. I cant even say that I disliked myself...I didn't know who i was. I had no identity.
If you've read my earlier posts then you know Im adopted..I was taught to refer to myself as being born into the family, since as far as they were concern....I was. There were a lot of "fibs" like that in my family.

I have some good memories, few but they still have the power to make me smile. Like when my dad would "join" my brother & I while playing hide & seek....he'd shove one of us up high in some forgotten closet without the other knowing he helped. Or when mom & dad would host a party... my brother & i got to stay in their bedroom with a TV tray full of party mixes & soda along with chips & dip. We'd watch TV and "wrestle" on the bed....I usually won!. My brother had an awesome sense of humor, we would always do funny stuff with together....like sneak a tape recorder under the sofa while the party was going on....not that the adults would ever say anything worth listening to but, the adventure was grand. I loved my brother so much & looked up to him.

My mom & my brother had an awesome bond, even when we were tiny. My dad & I were close. It was well known that if dad had to ok something...i should ask...if we needed moms ok, my brother would do the asking. It was a good system and it worked for the most part.
~~my theory~~
I think i figured out why my brother & mom bonded so close.I think its that my brother was adopted at birth...he went home to mom & dads immediately. I was adopted a month after birth....a blackmarket baby...Neglected. I read somewhere that that causes something called detatchment syndrome, where the babies don't attatch to anyone. Maybe thats why I had no self-identity as a child. I really had no oppinion...about anything. no favorite color, no likes or dislikes.

Another theory I have is social vs. genetic. We are taught that our likes & dislikes, and certain behaviors are socially gained. Meaning that we learn them from society. I believe that most are actually genetic, that we pass them along with our genes.
~~Let me explain with an example~~
three yrs ago my brothers birth family found him & arranged a meeting. He took my adopted mom along. on the flight he told my mom...."what if I have nothing in common with them"...of course mom said that he would fit in.
My brother was baby # 7 out of 8 kids. He was the only one put up for adoption ( due to finances). Mom said that after 20 mins ....you'd never know they all werent raised together. They all are/were active in the same sports, collected the same items, have the same work ethic and most of them even have the same favorite color.

My brother was never a leader...i was. He was a "saver"...every penny....not me. Id break a leg to spend my allowance. He wasnt very smart, always studied but never made good grades...I NEVER had to do homework, always got it done in class...never made a bad grade unless I tried to. (9th grade I made all A's then all F's the A's then F's...til the end of the yr. I knew id end up with a C average). My brother fit better in our family then I did. I always knew it. I was ....Different. my poor mom just didnt "get" me...lol. It would make mom mad when I asked her "what was wrong with me?" or "why I was different?"
but i really wanted/needed to know!. But in my family...one doesnt ask those questions.

At 10 I told my mom I was pregnant, I wasnt but I had misunderstood the sex film I had seen in school. Actually I had been being molested for several yrs by then & recognised the actions.. The was the beginning of my loneliness. I never denided that it happened but of course the man said I was lying. my mom chose to believe him. Because I couldnt get away from him...a close family friend...I began to wet the bed & generally act out. I told everyone I could...school counselors, relatives & friends.That only made me look bad. My mom told everyone that i was lying & that I was a problem child (emotionally disturbed). my acting out gave people reason to believe her. Like I said...I was a very lonely child.

As kids my brother & i were very close. If I was getting yelled at...he would slam his bedroom door (taboo in our home). Then theyd trapes over to yell at him. Its funny that even today...some 40 yrs later...if the wind catches the door & it slams...my brother or I will quickly say "sorry! it was the wind"..lol. I never told my brother what was happening to me....i dont know why but I never did. All he knew was what he saw...me doing things to make mom upset. Needless to say we grew apart. I began to run away from home. Im sure that was the worst as far as my brother was concerned....mom crying. When I got older and no longer lived at home...my mom asked me over & over not to tell him. I could never promise that, but i never have told him. To this day my brother doesnt include me in his life...although i have his phone # its well known to me that im not to use it. I wasnt allowed to be an aunt to his 2 kids and seldom got to see them. I havent seen my cousins or aunts & uncles in over 25 yrs and probably wouldnt feel like family if i saw them at this point. I could never feel anything but a visitor in my mom & dads home. My mom was a good mom....to everyone else. I could always feel the anger, disbelief and dislike. It was made worse only because she was so good to my brother....all our friends loved her too!...it was like i got a view of how loving she couldve been to me...IF i hadnt said anything. So sad.

Mom & I have since talked it all out. She made the man who molested me call me and confess....take ownership of all of it...she wasnt there to hear the call. said she didnt want to hinder the convo. I forgave him and told him that I had lost my hero back then....He cried. Hes old and losing his memory. Its amazing but i actually felt all the weight just lift right up off of me. All the anger & hurt i had for so long. Later that day mom called me ,I told her what was said and she was glad. I told her it was over....and I meant it. He has never admitted it to my mom but she knows. She has told me that shes glad Ive forgiven him but that she didnt think she ever could. A harsh statement but one that i wouldve sold my soul to hear as a child.

I had alot more trouble forgiving my mom. I realize that back in those days molesting wasnt talked about...that the signs werent known as openly as they are now. She has asked me to forgive her for being so stupid....i call it cruel but it doesnt matter now. I told her its over...im done hurting over it...I AM WHO I AM INSPITE OF MY CHILDHOOD. I took the best of what they taught me and added what ive learned on my own and made a whole person. ME. The days of emotional suicide are over for me. Althought Ive never lived up to my potential, my life is full. I have good sturdy friends, a decent income and a belief in myself. So all is forgiven.

The true victim is my brother, he still hates me...and it kind of hurts that he has bonded with his birth syblings, Im not his only sister anymore...he has 6 others..never will know the reason I was so angry and defensive or why i disrupted the family as a kid. At this point...i see no point in telling him. Mom says he'd kill the man. no need for all that...as I said...Ive forgiven and let it go. I still have my memories of the time when my brother & I were best friends.
So as I said at the beginning....I was a lonely kid...between being molesting, comming to terms with my sexuality ....and the detatchment its a wonder that Im so grounded today. Somehow I became a level headed adult. what is it they say?...out of ashes rises the pheonix. who knows...maybe one day Ill write a book!.


im a beginer quilter & I love it!. Its cathardic but takes alot of fabric. It seems that everywhere I go lately ...I look at the fabrics. PILES & piles of the stuff.


Sunday, June 19, 2005

My four legged furry kids

anyone who says cats have no personality are WHACK!! I can sit & watch mine for days. I have one of each and both are full of personality.

Lazerous (female- she died at 3 weeks and I gave her mouth to muzzle...hence the name)) will sit on my shoulder (like a parrot) while im on the computer. She also "taps" me if she wants something & im not paying attention. Everynight we have this routine...she has to get comfy on her own pillow...next to mine, then she starts kissing me all over my face while "kneeding bread"...if I stop her...she has to start all over...lol. she hides under the bed when most people come over. Her favorite toys r the balls with the little bells inside....she will play with them all day...picking them up and moving them if they get into a tight spot. She ignores cat nip but goes nut when i put metholatum on myself. The door can stay open all day and she wont go outside. she looks alot like an ocelot.

Cody (neutered male) He is everyones cat!...Id bet u $500.00 that u couldnt get 5 steps into my home before he found a way to get u eye to eye and started rubbing against u. He loves his "skunches". He talks...alot...LOUDLY. He ignores those balls with the bells and goes strictly for the hanging toys, and is the feline version of a pothead when it comes to catnip. we built special shelves for him 'cuz he just HAS to be up high. He sleeps under the covers in my roomies bed. If the door is opened a smidge...hes out!. His face looks like a mini grey pumas.

Now u tell me...is that two cats with personality ...or what. My babies...& i love em

Friday, June 17, 2005


man on the tv said there were 687 quakes in Cali alone this week. I didnt feel a single one!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

alert alert!

earthquake in Eureka!
big wave commin
call all local friends
pack the cats
so they come to no harm
gather all meds & money too
all the time watchin tv to get the latest.
alarm all gone. release the cats.
breathe normal again
return to the last of the movie.
sleep well tonight....
...now I lay me down to sleep......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

MERCY! Totally Inocent! surely NOT!!

I cant believe that He was found not guilty of ALL accounts. Im thinking that they didnt know where to put him IF they had said he was guilty. Hes way too frail to handle total seclusion, but thats where hed have to stay...for his own safety....and if they put him in population....hed be killed....and raped. Also ill bet the riots were part of the motovation behind his getting free. Either way hes a jerk! I cant believe that he thinks that if he acts innocent....everyone will still love him. I guess im over angry toward molesters. Lets hope that from now on no boys sleep in his bed!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Look VERY close at this drawing of Christ.

Very Unusual picture of Jesus

can u see all the different drawings the artist used to make the face?....cool huh


Well...its taking me some time to learn html but i think its starting to shape up in here.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

100 things u didnt know about me

1. Im adorable
2. I love most animals
3. I have blue eyes
4. I have only 2 fillings and no cavities.
5. I think cruddy teeth r nastyy and cant stop looking at them when talking to someone.
6. I dont pick my nose.
7. I am a compulsive ear cleaner.
8. I take alot of meds.
9. I have whats called myeomalasia.
10. calcium is forming in my spinal canal and making my spinal cord shrink.
11. docs dont want to operate til its life or death. theres a 50-50% chance ill wake up a quad.
12. i take zoloft to keep me sane.
13. Im left handed.
14. Docs want me to get a gastric bypass to help my spine.
15. im diabetic
16. Im a lesbian.
17. my mom knows and thinks its great as long as it makes me happy.
18. when I told my family that i was gay, my mom said."im so glad u finally told us...we knew when u were in 7th grade"
19. my dad said..."Im just glad ur not a democrat!"
20. im a closeted democrat.
21. Im a veteran.
22. i have 5 small tattoos
23. I am single
24. i want to write a book before i die.
25. I have 4 cats.
26. I live with a gay man who does everything i need him to. (i am blessed)
27. i have a 4.0 gpa
28. if i lived back in caveman days...id have a saber-toothed tiger as a pet.
29. i love to vacume
30. i hate to clean the toilet
31. I have no middle name
32. Im making my first quilt.
33. I love ebay.
34. i think that farts show us that God has a sense of humor.lips
35. I make all my christmas gifts ( mostly)
36. i think spoungebob squarepants is funny.
37. i dont like catdog.
38. i think this list is too long.
39. i bite my fingernails.
40. i am adopted.
41. i hate being adopted.
42. change of life sux.
43. my favoirite comedian of all time was tody fields....remember her?
44. i never had pimples as a teen.
45. my parents are still together.
46. i dont fold my underware.
47.i dont drink diet coke.
48. i need to drink less coke and more water.
49. my favorite color is the clean soft yellow of a babys blanket.
50. my dad used to pass gas...and blame it on the dog.
51. i am tickleish.
52. im learning to play the violin.
53. i just retiled my bathroom.
54. i want to buy a dvd recorder.
55. Id love to learn stained glass and mosaics.
56. my best friends name is mitzi
57. she dont wear undies.
58. i have saved pennies for 2 yrs
59. my roomy needs to roll pennies.
60. i dont shave my legs.
61. hair dosent grow on my legs.
62. i have a wheelchair.
63. its electric.
64. my credit sux.
65. i want a motorcyle.
66. I want out of this wheelchair.
67. if i could be on tv...id like to do a walk on in Charmed.
68. i think MJ is guilty.
69. i think its time we left iraq
70. i think reincarnation is possible
71. I love tootsierolls.
72. i liked the movie tootsie.
73. my left tootsies get cold easily.
74. I smoke cigarettes.
75. I need to quit.
76. My roomy smokes a pipe.
77. did i already say that Id rather vacume then clean a toilet? I lied.
78. The carpet needs vacuming now. The toilet dont.
79. Im regretting this long list right 'bout now.
80. I browse other bloggers.
81. I had my right nipple pierced last yr.
82. my nose the yr before.
83. nose hurt more than the nipple.
84. couldnt stand the nipple so i took it out & let it heal.
85. I dont have athletes foot.
86. i just bought a new sewing machine.
87. I saw a list like this on another blog and im doing the same thing.
88. different facts tho.
89. I cant draw a straight line.
90. i read lesbian novels.
91. i weigh over 300 pounds.
92. id be a prostitute....if i got paid by the pound.
93. i think prostitutes should be taxed.
94. My Dad is in line ( way dwn the line) for the crown of Sweden. (115th i think)
95. Im swedish.
96. i brush my tongue everyday.
97. my roomy doesnt.
98. i bite my fingernails.
99. i dont bite my toenails.
100.i dont paint them either.

*****Come back soon! as soon as i catch my breath....ill do another list of 100....

The old man next door

Theres an old man who lives nextdoor....
he's frail and has recently started to have memory loss.
Its really sad but 9 months ago he hired a local girl to help him out...
change his diaper, run to the store, do his laundry etc..

She was stealing his money!
its estimated that her and her boyfriend took over $6,000.00 from him before
we could stop her.

IT happened like this:

because she would go to the store....she had the pin # to his debit card.
she also had access to his checks to pay his bills.

she/they would withdrawl $$ and not tell him. hide the statements and of coarse he would forget.

she/they took a few checks from the back of his checkbook and they would write a check for say....$300.00 & deposit it in the ATM...it would allow them to take $200.00 out imediately. even when his account was overdrawn.

The landlord & i kept telling him (bless his heart) that she was a shady lady ,but he kept telling us that she was a good person.

one day he came over to my place and asked me to go online to order him a cell phone. We got to the pay part & i asked him for his debit card....he couldnt find it.
my roommy searched his whole place and it was no where.

when we called the bank to freeze the card ( i spoke to the bank) they told me that he was bouncing checks all over town. cursetalkbubble

The old man said he hadnt written any checks in 2 months!...so we called the police (required by the bank to reemburse his money)

At that time almost $5,000.00 was missing.

the old man got another debit card with a new #....the girl he hired to help gave naturally told him that she had no idea what happened to his money.

he believed her.

2 weeks later the girls boyfriend was stopped by the cops for some reason other than this and when the cops searched him guess what they found?....the old mans new debit card!!!.
we didnt even know it was missing til the cops called me (my # was given for the police report)and told me.

another $1,400.00 was missing. the bank told the old man....no more debit cards for u!

that was 6 months ago . it has taken me that long to handle his moneies so that everyone got paid , he had some cash AND to get the bank str8.

Life can sure suck for old people if no one looks out for em.

He now has a wonderful retired nurse that cares for him. shes so sweet, lool the other day i heard him go off on her!,, he was just bei9ng hateful...as i stood outside his door and listened he was using some serious sailor language. She came out the door with tears in her eyes. I asked her how long he had been talking like that to her...she said..."from the start"...i walked into his bedroom and calmly said 'listen old man...u keep talking like that u wont have anyone to help u" Ive never raised my voice to this man...but rotf...he was "yes ma'aming" me for twenty mins. I told him to be the gentleman his momma raised. We will see how long that last.

Friday, June 10, 2005

A good Day

today is a good day!. reletively no pain with meds! Leslie is going home( been staying with her mom) so that means i will get to see her soon. Never ever thought Id fall so deeply in love with another but, its happened. musta done something right for the powers that be to give me such a wonderful gift. Aint Love grand?

Yesterday I got the results of my diebetes test :( sad to say it was pos. soooo the doc is sending me my meds in the mail and soon i will have to go thjru some classes to tell me all about it...what to eat...what not to. After I complete the classes...ill get my glucose monitor. Doc says that once i lose this weight the diebetes will go away...yippie! Pulanary lung function test is the 2nd week of july...thats the last of the pre-op testing for the gastric bypass. hope i can get the surgery b4 the end of july.

still trying to put lil smilies on my posts...so far im failing....lol but itll gimme something to ponder on.

saw ro on the veiw....she looked like she didnt feel like she fit in...figiting with a string or something all show....glad she drank the beer!..lol...Im sure im wrong but her hair looked dirty too...gosh i hope i am wrong! she has gained weight too...not as much as me but u can see it...and what was all those faces she kept making...really took away from her. but i still love her. Kel is lucky.

going to go experience my good day! rainbo later all =^..^=


Geeeez! I thought that starting a blog would be cathardic, but actually mine is so boring that it makes me sad. Kinda like a statement that my life is so boring....its not! honestly...lol. I want to learn HTML so I can adjust this page to my liking.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Black Market Baby?

Oh Nooooooooooo!you mean to tell me that the info on the only document i have may be false? How do I tell?...Im finding out that the more i dig....the more my existing info does'nt match up. all i have is my amoms account ( and that changes everytime I ask her) my b/c and my non id.
My story is so full of twists n turns that sometimes i wonder if Im not living in the pages of some mystry novel.I even have the FBI interfacing somewhere with my amom about the adoption....of coarse she says all they wanted to do was ask her questions about the man incharge of the Rescue mission I was adopted from. Who knows for sure. JUST IN CASE let me post the short version :) no known name at birth ******DOB: 10-25-58 POB:Williston, Florida bmom lived in Ga.....worked as a maid for couples who worked at the Cotton mill....stayed in Gainesville (MILITARY RESCUE MISSION FOR UNWED MOTHERS run by a Col. Ryan) while awaiting my birth ----notice they ignored the BIG hospitol in gainesville and drove her across state to give birth in a town so small that the clinic didnt have a bed back then(Williston). She was 34 when i was born, brown hair, brown eyes and according to the non id...not peticularlly attractive(worker told amom when i was 3 that I looked alot like my bmom), 6th grade edu., she loved to read, both her parents died of "the parallysis" years ago, she was a Prodestent, non id said bdads looks and faith were simular to bmoms.
Amom and first Adad(shirley & Bill Lee H.) heard about me from Amoms step dad(died when i was 3). He knew Col Ryan. they went to "pick me up" with $300.00 /agreed on price, and when they got there...Col. Ryan demanded $600.00 said He needed an air conditioner for his office. After "stepping outside" Col Ryan agreed $300.00 was fine. I went home on 11-26-58. My name became Toni Lee H. When i was around 18 months old my Aparents devorced. While Shirley was a single mom.....the FBI came and knocked on the door. Shirley told me she wouldnt open the door. That she was afraid they were comming to take me away. (yrs later told me all they wanted was to ask questions about Col. Ryan....she told them she knew nothing) when i was around 3 Shirley married my second Adad
They are to this day still married. Adad #2 adopted me and my Abrother at the same courthouse ceremoney that they married at. now I am 46 yrs old and have no contact with abrother or adad but do try to call amom often. amom says she hopes i find my bmom but that she has no paperwork from the adoption.
.... hmmmm....thats all i know....and now i read that my b/c couldve been altered?....YIKES! AND THIS WAS THE SHORT VERSION :) thanx for allowing me to get all that out.
Replies welcome~pawzz~


77 ppl have stumbled onto my blog...few comments but thats ok. I HAVE arrived!toothysmile

Friday, June 03, 2005

Gastric Bypass

Ok Ive been looking into this proceedure for a long time now...dabbling with the idea of having it done...Doc says im healthy ...but for the extra 200+ pounds i carry Sooooooo...
I think Ill use this forum to tell all what Im going thru...as I go thru it.
I just completed my cardio pre-op...now i have to get a lung function test and then Ill be able to schedule the surgery...I plan to post pics of my body as i lose...maybe nude ones I dont know ...lol...depends on my nerve. Ive spent the better part of my life trying to cover up. Dont worry tho..ill warn u IF i decide to post the nude ones...some recent pics (clothed) r posted on my flikr page.
Feel free to come back & see how Im doing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


just read ro's blog page...i added my 2 cents worth the other day...she prolly dont read em all but either way...im there. It must bee hard being her....everyone meaning well but wanting an "inside scoop" or a piece of her. Im guilty too...but not because shes rich or famous...i like her humor. Ive been told that Im funny too...class clown but Id never do what she does...i dont mind being the center of attention but it has to appear to be an accident....i couldnt stand up on purpose to do a comic routine...lol...im weird like that. Dont know if ill ever open this up to others but ill write it as if i am. later


every lesbian needs a gay man to run the household...craig is my blessing. although id NEVER choose him (if I were str8) as a pardner..he treats me wonderfully....he does all the cleaning and pays all the bills...my money is "blow money" or its saved for whatever we/I need/want. Who could ask for more....He also is there for me when I go to the Docs...with a ride or just a shoulder if theres bad news. wonderful wonderful craig...it amazes me that he stays...but i am so thankful he does! later

Bored bored bored

Im glad that Ive evolved into someone who loves thier own company but geeeez! there r some times I just bore myself to tears...lol...today is one of those days...I cant think of anything to do that intrests me...so im on this puter shuffling around looking at stuff that i can afford and making a wishlist. It always helps me to remember what Im saving up for..lol My list is getting LOOOOOONG! Oh well...theres always christmas!
Craig & I r saving up to get a bigger place...the same complex but we HAVE to get outta this 1 room suite...we have a kitched & full bath but our "livingroom" is also our bedroom....been here 5 yrs or so....ok..im off to shuffle/serf the web. Later